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Kaseya VSA Security Incident

Kaseya VSA Security Incident

NOTE: Computing Technologies and its clients are not affected by this incident. For the latest updates, please see Kaseya’s post.


On July 2nd, Kaseya learned of a security incident involving their VSA software which is in use by other Managed Service Providers, or MSPs (companies like Computing Technolgoies). This security incidient allowed attackers to target about 40 different MSP companies and all of their client machines which they monitor and manage, encrypting all of their data and requesting a ransom to release the data.


We are happy to report that Computing Technologies currently does not, and has never used Kasyea VSA software in any way.


This means that none of our clients should be affected at all, however we are taking an extra precautionary step, for any clients who are subscribed to our remote monitoring systems, we have implemented a new daily saftey check as of today (July 6th, 2021) that will check for the Kaseya VSA agent being installed, and any of the payload data associated with this specific ransomware attack. If the VSA agent and payload data is found on any client deivce we monitor and manage, we will be sure to alert the user immediately and take the appropriate actions.


As always, we recommend that our clients work with us to implement the following if they haven’t already.



If you would like to review the above options with us, or if you have any questions relating to this Kaseya incident, please contact us.

Corey DeGrandchamp

President of Computing Technologies, Inc.

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